Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Battle

I have forever had issues with my weight. I have always been the fat kid growing up. I remember always being made fun of, and always being the fat kid in the group of my friends. It was rough, but I always tried to put a smile on my face. I tried everything to lose weight, and after high school I just gained and gained weight. My heaviest was 250lbs. I was not happy!! So I started looking at Gastric Bypass surgery. I did the research and planning and finally in May 2004 right after my sister's wedding I had the surgery. It was rough, I had many break downs but out of all the break downs there was only one in regards to food. I started off only being allowed liquids, then moved on to puree foods, and then slowly got back to being able to eat normal again, just smaller portions. I started dating someone and we started heading to the gym together. the weight just kept coming off. A year and almost to the day later I was 150lbs at my other sisters wedding. I was super excited. I couldn't believe it. Well then i stopped working out, and life of course just happened. Started dating my husband and we would go out to eat all the time, the beer was a killer. Ugh, then all of a sudden my size 12's didn't fit anymore. Then my size 16's didn't fit anymore. Then in 2008 my husband proposed to me. we had planned for an August of 2009 wedding. So that year i did everything i could to stay at my size 16. I was 210lbs when we got married. Then bam, just like that I was pregnant. The day I went into the hospital when i was in labor with my daughter I was 245lbs. I just couldn't accept that. I had worked so hard to lose 100lbs and then bam within a year and half I had gained all but 5lbs back. I was devastated, but even more I was furious with myself. How did I let it get out of control? How did I become one of the failed stories of gastric bypass surgery. Well after I had my daughter i decided NO MORE! No more double digit pants, no more being the fat mommy. NO MORE!!! I started this all in August of 2010. I started working out, went and got an elliptical. I lost 10lbs, then I started educating myself on the food i was eating. I started to change that. Then i hit a bump in the road and I hurt myself. I twisted my ankle and could barely do anything. so pretty much from October to January I was out of commission. Then decided in January I had had enough of the excuses, my ankle wasn't broken or even sprained. So I got back on the horse and decided to try it again. Then in February I decided to join a Gym. So far today my total weight lost is 28lbs since the birth of my daughter. Weight loss is hard, there are so many different things out there that you don't know if they are right or wrong. if you're getting the right information. I have joined to help me regulate my eating and my work outs. I get to my points where I stress out like everyone in this world I want the quick fix. Even gastric bypass wasn't a quick fix and it sure the hell wasn't easy.
I think the one thing that is hard for me is I don't have a good support system. Yeah my hubby says here and there that I've lost weight and all, but well he isn't really over weight to begin with but to get him to eat a veggie or fruit is nuts. So, I am on my own, I have a support system through MFP and I have to actual friends I know on there. But it truly is hard. The only thing I hate about all this, is I have sort of become obsessed with the weight loss thing. I actually can't even enjoy eating out with my hubby anymore.. it really does suck. But I decided I need to blog, I need to hold myself for everything I am doing. I dont know if anyone will even read my blogs, but shit, if it helps me that is all that matters.

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